SDG Master Programs

Dual Degree Master Program (IHDS + MPP-SDG)
(scroll down for Single Degree Master Program)

The Dual Degree Master Program represents a unique opportunity to earn two complementary Master degrees focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The program lasts 2.5 to 3 years and can be started either at the University of Geneva or Tsinghua University, depending on where the student registers first. The University of Geneva delivers a highly interdisciplinary Master of Science (M.Sc.) hosted by the Geneva School of Social Sciences (G3S), the Master in Innovation, Human Development and Sustainability (MIHDS). Tsinghua University delivers a Master of Science in Management Science, hosted by the School of Public Policy and Management (SPPM) and called Master of Public Policy for Sustainable Development Goals (MPP-SDG).

The diagram below outlines the 2.5 or 3-years timeline of the Dual Degree
according to where the student starts the program

The Dual Degree, which can start at either Tsinghua or UNIGE depending on where candidates apply, can be completed in 5 or 6 semesters. The 5-semester option means a significantly greater workload during the year at UNIGE, as it involves doing a part-time internship (40% maximum workload during teaching periods) at the same time as following courses at UNIGE, as well as writing and defending the corresponding internship report. The 6-semester option enables the student to do a full-time internship, which is a requirement for some host institutions. For both options, UNIGE offers a unique SDG internship program, with partners in International Geneva and beyond. The 6-semester option also enables students to consider internship options anywhere in the world, since there is no constraint to stay in Geneva for courses. For all internships, the host institution and internship topic must be validated with the IHDS director. Note that under all circumstances the internship must be completed, including the defense of the internship report, before starting the semester devoted to the Tsinghua thesis.

The objective of the Dual Degree Master Program is to provide future change-makers with the skills necessary to address the 17 SDGs. It comprises a high proportion of hands-on teaching courses (challenge-based workshops) with partners in the United Nations and other IOs and NGOs, as well as fundamental courses on sustainable development in all its dimensions: social, economic, and environmental. In Geneva, the hands-on courses take place in the Geneva SDG Solution Space, located in the heart of International Geneva. Given the rich IO and NGO ecosystem, internships are an integral part of the MIHDS curriculum. Please note that the internship does not necessarily need to be carried out during the IHDS year. It can also be done between semesters or during the fifth semester. In China, courses take place on Tsinghua University’s campus, in the Zhongguancun high-tech district of Beijing. The academic thesis is carried out and submitted at Tsinghua University, after completing all academic requirements of both universities.

Single Degree Master Program (IHDS)

As well as the Dual Degree offered by both universities, the University of Geneva offers a Single Degree version of the IHDS program, involving an exchange semester at Tsinghua University, on its Beijing or Shenzhen campuses, or another partner university. The partner universities include several in the Global South, such as Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar in Senegal and Universidad de los Andes in Bogota, Colombia. See timeline diagram below. Please find all the necessary information on the G3S website.

The Single Degree option, which takes place at UNIGE, includes a compulsory exchange semester and can be completed with either an internship-based thesis or an academic thesis. Students selecting the internship option have access to the same SDG Internship program as for the Dual Degree. In the case of the Single degree, the Internship-based thesis or academic thesis may be completed before or after the exchange semester.

If you have any questions about the SDG Master Programs, please feel free to drop us a line here at the SDG Solution Space, and we’ll route you to the right person.