SDG Open Hack!

SDG Open Hack! is an initiative born in 2019 from a unique partnership of Universities of Geneva and Tsinghua and UNITAR. This global initiative aims at educating 100’000 students and professionals by 2025, through their active participation to a) pocket online lectures, b) innovation bootcamps and c) hackathons focused on the hands-on development of practical technical, social and institutional innovations for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Depending on circumstances, bootcamps and hackathons may proceed either online or at physical locations.

SDG Open Hack! started as the first Chinese open innovation festival for the achievement of the SDGs. It was inspired by its sister event Open Geneva held in Geneva, Switzerland, in March every year, which is a spin-off of the Geneva Tsinghua Initiative and Citizen Cyberlab.

SDG Open Hack! hosted 500 participants, including students, engineers, professionals, academics, policymakers, impact investors & business angels, who tackled x key SDGs challenges over a hackathon weekend at the Tsinghua University campus in Beijing.

In combination with SDG Open Hack!, the first one-week long Tsinghua SDG Innovation Bootcamp was held from 25 November to 1 December 2019. The 2020 edition of the SDG Open Hack ! took place on the 28th – 29th November hosting 19 hacks!

The 2021 edition is coming up on 27-28 November! Click for more info. 

A word from the organizers

For students who are shouldering the mission to change the world for the better, it’s not enough for them to understand the concept of SDGs. They need to take real actions, applying science and technology across disciplines, innovating by exploring sustainable development models, and identifying real world problems they can tackle. We believe that “SDG Open Hack!” at Tsinghua University will be a catalyst for developing the kind of socially-engaged mindsets, innovation capabilities, and entrepreneurial skills to achieve the SDGs.

Pearl Mao, Tsinghua x-lab Director, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

SDG Open Hack will encourage students to think out of the box. They will explore user-centered and goal-oriented innovation solutions. It creates an opportunity for students with different expertise and cultural backgrounds to leverage resources beyond their disciplines and to iterate practical solutions through design sprints and fast-prototyping. With the ongoing support from institutions such as x-lab and iCenter, “SDG Open Hack!” can empower hundreds of students at Tsinghua to become social and environmental entrepreneurs. They can provide practical solutions to the SDGs, according to Tsinghua’s motto that actions speak louder than words.

Woody De-Yu WANG, Director, Design and Prototyping Lab, iCenter, Tsinghua University