6th Edition at ITU on Friday 31 May 2024
Artificial Intelligence and Education for the SDGs
The Geneva Trialogue brings together thought leaders from Academia, International Organizations and the Private Sector to shape actionable challenges that advance the cause of education for the SDGs. This year’s theme of enhancing education with artificial intelligence has a focuses on applications of AI for the Model United Nations (MUN), a global youth network which trains nearly a million young people each year in how to organize debates on the most challenging issues of our times, modelled on how the UN debates such issues.
The Geneva Trialogue is organized by the UNITAR Division for Prosperity and the University of Geneva SDG Solution Space and will take place on Friday 31 May 2024 at the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) as part of the World Summit on the Information Society WSIS+20 Forum High-Level Event, and in parallel with the AI for Good Summit, also taking place at ITU.
This date is the Youth Day of the WSIS+20 Forum and the Geneva Trialogue will also mark the public launch of the SDG Olympiad, a global competition that empowers students around the world to tackle environmental and health challenges related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. A special guest organizing partner of this year’s Geneva Trialogue is myMUN, a youth-led initiative that makes MUN Conferences accessible for delegates and easy to host for organizers.
To ensure discussions and outcomes are relevant to the needs of a wide range of stakeholders and continue beyond the event, organizations are invited to partner as Thought Leaders and Lead Partners.
Thought Leaders bring a specific topic to one of the Geneva Trialogue co-creation tables, work with the organizers to invite other key stakeholders to join the discussion, and help ensure that challenges shaped during the event go on to have real-world impact. Confirmed Thought Leaders include companies and non-profits such as AICrowd, Swiss Learning Exchange and the Villars Institute.
Lead Partners are invited to speak and have prominent brand visibility at the event as well as be a Thought Leader at one of the co-creation tables, or support another organization in that role. The Direction des Affaires Internationales (DAI) of the Canton of Geneva is the first Lead Partner of the Geneva Trialogue, supporting La Fabrique de la Paix at Geneva’s Graduate Institute as Thought Leader.
The Geneva Trialogue is in-person at ITU’s Montbrillant building. Participation is by invitation only. For all enquiries about participation, please contact prosperity_directoroffice@unitar.org
Geneva Trialogue 2024
AI and Education for the SDGs
The sixth Geneva Trialogue will take place on 31 May 2024 at ITU!

Geneva Trialogue 2023
Open Innovation for Education
The fifth Geneva Trialogue will take place in a hybrid format on 16 March 2023 at CERN!

Geneva Trialogue 2022
Open Innovation for Education
The fourth Geneva Trialogue will take place in a hybrid format on 17 March 2022.

Geneva Trialogue 2021
Scaling Open Innovation for the SDGs
The third Geneva Trialogue took place online on Thursday 18 March 2021. It also marked the start of the Open Geneva Festival from 18- 28 March 2021.
Geneva Trialogue 2019
Scaling Education for the SDGs
The second edition of the Geneva Trialogue was held on 21 January 2019 and explored ways to scale SDG education. It was jointly organised by the University of Geneva, UNITAR and XuetangX.
Geneva Trialogue 2016
Knowledge and the SDGs
The first edition of the Geneva Trialogue took place on 15 November 2016 and focused on the potential dividends offered by the digital revolution in knowledge production and education.