About this event
In its 5th edition, the 2023 Geneva Trialogue built on a track record of promoting Open Innovation for Education. The organisers remained focussed on their goal of accelerating action-oriented discussion between International Organizations, academia and the private sector, towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Geneva Trialogue was by invitation only, and a short summary of the topics tackled is available on the Trialogue Sparkboard.
The 2023 edition at CERN was based on an innovative hands-on format pioneered in 2022, with a set of 10 parallel roundtables. Each table had around 10 persons and was led by an organisation with a specific education challenge. The output of the discussions at each table is a set of well-defined challenges suitable for prototyping in a follow-up hackathon. Some of those hackathons took place during the Crowd4SDG event on 17 March, also at CERN.
Examples include roundtables on:
- Education in a ChatGTP world
- Reinventing curricula for Africa in the SDG era
- Building Open Innovation Commons for International Geneva
- Creating Innovative and Sustainable Water Monitoring Around the World
The 2023 Geneva Trialogue was the kick-off event of the Open Geneva Festival, a series of hackathons and innovation events taking place all across Geneva from 16-26 March 2023.