SDG Summer School

Open Source Health Solutions

3-28 July 2023 in Geneva, Paris and around the world
Registration Deadline (extended deadline Schengen applicants):  8 June 2023

The SDG Summer School is all about challenge-based innovation, with the challenges coming from key players in global health, like The Global Fund. It is open to Bachelor and Master students from around the world.


  • A one-month format taking place in several innovation spaces around the globe (Geneva, Paris and Shenzhen were host cities in 2022)
  • Teams selected for their complementary skills (medicine, biology, law, business, IT, design etc) and their abilities to jointly develop out-of-the-box solutions.
  • Challenges mentored by practitioners in International Organisations and leading global health researchers in participating academic institutions.
  • Each team coached by a PhD student who has relevant research experience and a clear interest in tackling the team’s specific challenge.
  • A chance to learn hands-on about open science tools and methodologies (open data, open source hardware and software, citizen science)..
  • An emphasis on rapid prototyping of solutions and an evaluation through weekly pitching sessions and careful project documentation.
  • The summer school is worth 6 ECTS credits for undergraduates and 2ECTS for PhD coaches, if approved by the student’s home university.

Find out more and apply

Extended application deadline for Schengen applicants

8 June midnight CET

SDG Summer School in Geneva

SDG Summer School in Paris (apply via Geneva Summer Schools)

Here are some of this year’s challenges:

Geneva Challenges

  1. Monitoring access and usage of insecticide treated nets to prevent malaria
  2. Digital self-administered TB treatment patient support and monitoring
  3. Using AI to provide vulnerable individuals online with appropriate content on HIV/AIDS
  4. Antimicrobial exposure in early life
  5. Introducing health in the curricula of sport in Africa
  6. Using blockchain for menstrual health solutions

Paris Challenges

  1. Developing  an open-source dialysate manufacturing machine for resource-limited settings
  2. Reimagining open-source diagnostic tools for point-of-care testing and surveillance in resource-limited settings.
  3. Developing innovative interventions to improve health education  about noncommunicable diseases
  4. Developing interventions and devices for non invasive stress monitoring and mitigation
  5. Design for disability: an accessible world to empower all kinds of bodies
  6. Use AI to make education more accessible to kids with learning troubles or handicap
  7. Modeling, simulation & citizen science participation for disaster management & monitoring of biodiversity

Read about last year’s challenges and results in our SDGZine.

Download the
SDG Summer School 2023 flyer